N - n
n pro. je, moi, mon, ma, mes; première personne du singulier; I, me, my; first person singular pronoun. See: ne.
-na See main entry: -ra. suf. suffixe qui indique le passé, pour les verbes intransitifs; suffix indicating past tense for intransitive verbs. Variante du suffixe -ra, après une consonne nasale. Variant of -ra, found after nasal consonants. A kumana Adama fɛ. Il a parlé à Adama. He spoke to Adama.
nà vi. venir; come. Nà yan ! Viens ici ! Come here! An nàna ɲɔgɔn fɛ̀. Nous sommes venus ensemble. We came together. A ma na fɔlɔ. Il n'est pas encore venu. He has not come yet. Mùso bɛ nà ni to ye. La femme apporte le « to ». (lit. venir avec). The woman is bringing the "to" (lit. comes with).
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na n. sauce; gravy, sauce. See: tigadɛgɛna ‘sauce d'arachide’ ‘peanut sauce’; jabaji ‘sauce d'oignon’ ‘onion sauce’; ganna ‘sauce de gombo’ ‘okra sauce’; sagasaga ‘sauce de feuilles’ ‘leaf sauce’.
na part. auxiliaire du futur affirmatif; auxiliary marker for future tense.
naamu excl. Oui, j'écoute; Yes, I'm listening.
naani num. quatre (4); four (4). Category: Numbers.
naaninan adj. quatrième; fourth. Morph: naani‑nan.
naare n. beurre; butter.
nabaa n. celui qui vient; one who comes. Nabaa ye taabaa ye. Celui qui vient part aussi. The one who comes also goes.
nabara n. paralysé, paralytique; paralysed person.
nabi n. prophète; prophet. From: arabe See: kira.
na bɔ ... ye expr. venir rendre visite; come and visit. I ma na bɔ ne ye. Tu n'es pas venu me rendre visite. You didn't come and visit me. See: taa bɔ ... ye.
nadaga n. marmite pour la sauce; gravy pot. Morph: na‑daga. Category: Household Items.
nàfa n. utilité, profit, importance; usefulness, importance. Nàfa b'a la. C'est utile/profitable/important. It's useful/important. A nafa ka bon. C'est très important/utile. It's very important/useful. Nafa caman b'a la ni i bɛ tegɛ ko ka jɛ ka dumuni kɛ. C'est très important de bien se laver les mains avant de manger. It's very important to wash your hands properly before eating. Sariya nafa ye jumɛn ye ? A quoi sert la loi ? What is the purpose of the law? U hakili la nafa t'a la. Ils pensent que ce n'est pas important. They think it's not important.
vt. être utile à; to be useful to.
nafɛn n. condiment, aliment pour préparer la sauce; seasoning, ingredients for making sauce. Morph: na‑fɛn. Nafɛn bɛɛ bɛ kɛ daga kɔnɔ. Tous les condiments sont mis dans la marmite. All the sauce ingredients are put in the pot.
nafolo n. biens, richesse, fortune, trésor; riches, wealth, treasure.
nafolobatigi n. riche; rich man. Morph: nafolo‑ba‑tigi.
nafolotigi n. riche; rich man. Morph: nafolo‑tigi.
nagasi vt. ruiner, détruire; ruin, destroy.
naji n. sauce, soupe; sauce, soup. Morph: na‑ji. See: na ‘sauce’ ‘gravy, sauce’; ji ‘eau’ ‘water’. Ni ne bɛ naji tobi, n bɛ tamati k'a la. Quand je prépare la soupe, je mets des tomates dedans. When I make soup, I put tomatoes in it. Category: Meals.
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najinin n. bouillon-cube; stock cube. Morph: naji‑nin. Category: Sauce Ingredients.
nakan [nàkan] n. destin, prédestination; destiny, predestination.
nakɔ n. jardin, terrain pour cultiver des légumes; garden, plot of land for growing vegetables. Verbs sɛnɛ ‘cultiver’ ‘to cultivate’; sɔn ‘arroser’ ‘to water’.
nakɔbaara n. jardinage; gardening. Morph: nakɔ‑baara.
nakɔbaarala n. jardinier; gardener. Morph: nakɔbaara‑la.
nakɔtu n. jardin, avec des arbres; garden, with trees. Morph: nakɔ‑tu.
nakun n. motif d'une visite; reason for visit.
nali n. venue, arrivée; coming, arrival. Morph: nà‑li.
naloma n. idiot, sot; idiot, silly person.
namara n. See main entry: nanbara.
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namasa [nàmàsa] n. banane; banana. Category: Fruits.
-nan suf. suffix ordinal; ordinal suffix. fila, filanan deux, deuxième. two, second.
nanaye [nànàye] n. menthe; mint. Category: Sauce Ingredients.
nanbara n. malhonnêteté, injustice; dishonesty, injustice. nanbara kɛ être malhonnête, tricher. to be dishonest, to cheat.
na ni ... ye expr. apporter; bring. Fanta bɛ nà ni kini ye. Fanta apporte le riz. (lit. venir avec). Fanta is bringing the rice (lit. comes with).
nanpe n. blanc; white person. Syn: tubabu, nansara, farajɛ.
nansara n. blanc; white person. Syn: tubabu, farajɛ, nanpe.
nansarakan n. langue française; French. Morph: tubabu‑kan. Syn: faransɛkan, tubabukan. Category: Languages.
nasiji n. eau magique; magic water.
nata [nàta] adj. prochain; coming, next. dɔgɔkun nata la semaine prochaine. next week. sibiri nata samedi prochain. next Saturday.
nataliye n. dessin; drawing, sketch. Ali bɛ mɔgɔ nataliye kɛ. Ali dessine une personne. Ali is drawing a picture of a person. Syn: desɛn.
natigɛmuru n. couteau, pour couper de la viande et des légumes; knife, used for cutting meat and vegetables. Morph: na‑tigɛ‑muru. Category: Household Items.
nba expr. réponse d'un homme à une salutation; male response to a greeting. See: nse.
nbuuru n. pain; bread. nbuuru kàla kelen une baguette. one baguette (stick).
nbuurudilanyɔrɔ n. boulangerie; bakery. Morph: nbuuru‑dilan‑yɔrɔ. Syn: nbuurugosiyɔrɔ.
nbuurufunun n. levure; yeast. Morph: nbuuru‑funun.
nbuurugosiyɔrɔ n. boulangerie; bakery. Morph: nbuuru‑gosi‑yɔrɔ. Syn: nbuurudilanyɔrɔ.
nbuurukun n. un pain; loaf of bread.
Nci n.pro. prénom donné au premier fils; name given to first son. Category: Names. Nci ye denkɛ fɔlɔ tɔgɔ ye. Nci est le nom du premier fils. Nci is the name of the first son.
Ncɔ n.pro. prénom donné au cinqième fils; name given to fifth son. Category: Names. Ncɔ ye denkɛ duurunan tɔgɔ ye. Nco est le nom du cinqième fils. Nco is the name of the fifth son.
ncɔn n. dard; sting.
ndire n. chauve-souris; bat. Category: Animals - wild.
ndoro n. pâte; dough, paste.
ne pro. je, moi, mon, ma, mes; première personne du singulier (emphatique); I, me, my; first person singular pronoun (emphatic). See: n.
nege n. désir, envie; desire. Nin gafe in nege bɛ n na. J'ai envie d'avoir cette livre-ci. I would like to have this book. Bi baara nege tɛ n na barisa n sɛgɛnnen don. Aujourd'hui, je n'ai pas envie de travailler parce que je suis fatigué. Today, I don't feel like working because I'm tired. Kalan nege tɛ u la. Ils n'ont pas envie de lire/étudier. They don't have the desire to read/study. Ni saya nege tɛ aw la, a' ye boli ! Si vous n'avez pas envie de mourir, courrez ! If you don't want to die, run ! [Ibrahima, Alliance Biblique, p.23]
-nen suf. See main entry: -len.
neni vt. insulter, injurier, maudire; insult, curse.
nenini n. insulte; insult. Morph: neni‑ni.
nɛɛma n. 1 • fraîcheur; coolness. Category: Weather.
2 • bonheur; happiness.
3 • grâce divine; divine grace. From: arabe: ni‘ma
nɛgɛ [nɛ̀gɛ] n. fer, métal; iron, metal. Category: House Building.
nɛgɛbɛnnan n. bouclier; shield. Morph: nɛgɛ‑bɛn‑nan.
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nɛgɛdaga n. marmite; iron cooking pot. Morph: nɛgɛ‑daga. Category: Household Items. See: barama.
nɛgɛdulɔki n. cuirasse; breastplate. Morph: nɛgɛ‑dulɔki.
nɛgɛfugula n. casque; helmet. Morph: nɛgɛ‑fugula.
nɛgɛjɔlɔkɔ n. chaîne; chain. Morph: nɛgɛ‑jɔlɔkɔ.
nɛgɛjuru n. téléphone; telephone. Morph: nɛgɛ‑juru. Category: Technology. nɛgɛjuru ci X ma téléphoner à X. telephone X. Syn: telefɔni.
nɛgɛjurusira n. ligne téléphonique; telephone line. Morph: nɛgɛjuru‑sira. Category: Technology.
nɛgɛ kanɲɛ n. heure; hour. Nɛgɛ kanɲɛ segin sera. Il est huit heures. It's eight o'clock.
nɛgɛn vt. tromper, tenter; deceive, fool, tempt. Sa ye ne nɛgɛn, ne y'a dun. Le serpent m’a trompée, et je l'ai mangé. The serpent deceived me and I ate. [Bible: Jenɛse 3.13]
nɛgɛsira n. chemin de fer; railway, railroad. Morph: nɛgɛ‑sira. Category: Transport.
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nɛgɛso [nɛ̀gɛ̀só] n. vélo, bicyclette; bicycle, bike. Morph: nɛgɛ‑so. See: nɛgɛ ‘métal’ ‘metal’; so2 ‘cheval’ ‘horse’. Category: Transport. Verbs bòli ‘rouler’ ‘to ride’; Part: fɛrɛn ‘frein’ ‘brake’; pedali ‘pédale’ ‘pedal’; pinɛ ‘pneu’ ‘tyre, tire’; sen ‘roue’ ‘wheel’.
nɛgɛsotigi n. cycliste; cyclist. Morph: nɛgɛso‑tigi.
nɛmɛnɛmɛ adv. avec soin; carefully. A bila nɛmɛnɛmɛ, n'o tɛ a na kari. Pose-le avec soin, sinon il va se casser. Put it down carefully, otherwise it will break.
nɛmu vt. lécher, laper; lick, lap. Syn: lanɔ.
nɛn n. langue; tongue. Category: Human Body. See: nɛnkun.
nɛnɛ n. froid, coup de froid; cold, chills. Nɛnɛ bɛ. Il fait froid. It's cold. Nɛnɛ ka bon. Il fait très froid. It is very cold. Nɛnɛ bɛ daminɛ kalo wɛrɛ. Le temps froid commencera le mois prochain. The cold weather will start next month. See: funteni ‘chaleur’ ‘heat’. Category: Weather.
nɛnɛ vt. goûter; taste. Awa bɛ na nɛnɛ ni kɔgɔ b'a la. Awa goûte la sauce pour voir s'il y a assez de sel. Awa tastes the sauce to see if there is enough salt in it. A nɛnɛ ! Goûte un peu ! Taste it! Have a taste! Category: Cooking - Verbs.
nɛnɛmajamana n. pays froid; cold country. Morph: nɛnɛ‑ma‑jamana.
nɛnkun n. langue; tongue, tip of the tongue. Category: Human Body. See: nɛn.
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nɛrɛ n. Nèrè de Gambie; 'nere' tree. Parkia biglobosa. Category: Trees. See: sunbala; nɛrɛsun.
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nɛrɛmuguman adj. jaune; yellow. Category: Colours. Morph: nɛrɛ‑mugu‑man. Namasa ye nɛrɛmuguman ye. Les bananes sont jaunes. Bananas are yellow. Fini nɛrɛmuguman tun bɛ muso kan na. La femme portait des habits jaunes. The woman was wearing yellow clothes.
nɛrɛsun n. Nèrè de Gambie; 'nere' tree. Parkia biglobosa. Category: Trees. Morph: nɛrɛ‑sun. Nɛrɛsun ye jiriba ye min janya bɛ se ka taa fo mɛtɛrɛ tan ɲɔgɔn na. Le 'nère' est un grand arbre dont la hauteur peut être à environ dix mètres. The 'nèrè' is a tall tree whose height can be as much as around ten metres. Nɛrɛsun bɛ denni daminɛ awirilikalo la, ka mɔ zuwɛnkalo la. Le 'nère' commence à produire les fruits en avril, qui sont mûrs en juin. The 'nèrè' begins to bear fruit in April, which are ripe in June. [Bamanankan Kalangafe san-4nan, p.90]
nɛzi n. neige; snow. From: français Category: Weather.
nfirinfirinin n. papillon; butterfly. Category: Insects.
Ngala n. Dieu; God.
Ngolo n.pro. prénom donné au troisième fils; name given to third son. Category: Names. Ngolo ye denkɛ sabanan tɔgɔ ye. Ngolo est le nom du troisième fils. Ngolo is the name of the third son.
ngomi n. rosée; dew. Category: Weather.
ngɔn n. babouin; baboon. Category: Animals - wild.
ngɔni n. luth traditionnelle, jouée par les griots; traditional lute, played by griots. Category: Music. Though typically a small instrument the ngoni has a big sound and a big place in the history of West African music. Its body is a hollowed-out, canoe-shaped piece of wood with dried animal skin stretched over it like a drum. The neck is a fretless length of doweling that inserts into the body, which unlike the kora (whose neck goes totally through its calabash resonator) stops short of coming out the base of the instrument. For this reason musicologists classify the ngoni as a "internal spike lute." The ngoni's strings (which are made of thin fishing line like the kora) are lashed to the neck with movable strips of leather, and then fed over a fan-shaped bridge at the far end of the body. The string closest to the player actually produces the highest pitch, and the player plucks it with his thumb, just like a 5-string banjo. This feature, coupled with the fact that the ngoni's body is a drum rather than a box, provides strong evidence that the ngoni is the African ancestor of the banjo. [David Gilden, www.coraconnection.com].
ngɔyɔ n. See main entry: nkɔyɔ.
ni conj. et; and. See: ani.
ni n. âme, esprit; soul, spirit. Ala ye ni de ye. Dieu est Esprit. God is Spirit. [Bible: Yuhana 4.24] Category: Human Body.
ni conj. 1 • si; if. N'i taara sugu la, i bɛ ne ba ye. Si tu vas au marché, tu verras ma mère. If you go to the market, you will see my mother. Ni ne kɛra peresidan ye, ne bɛ hinɛ faantanw na. Si je deviens président, j'aiderai les démunis. If I become president, I will help the poor. Ni ne kɛra e ye... / Ni ne tun don... Si j'étais toi... If I were you... Matigi, n'i tun bɛ yan, ne balimakɛ tun tɛ sa. Seigneur, si tu avais été ici, mon frère ne serait pas mort. Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. [Bible: Yuhana 11.21]
2 • quand, lorsque; when.
ni vt. offrir; offer.
nigazi n. oxygène; oxygen.
nili n. l'action d'offrir; giving. Duba bɛ nili la ka tɛmɛn sɔrɔli kan. Il y a plus de bonheur à donner qu’à recevoir. It is more blessed to give than to receive. [Bible: Kɛwalew 20.35]
nilifɛn n. don, offrande; gift, offering. Morph: nili‑fɛn. See: jaka ‘dîme, aûmone’ ‘tithe, alms’.
nilɔn n. nylon; nylon. From: français
nimisa n. regret, repentir; regret, repentance. Nimisa t'a la. On ne le regrette pas. There are no regrets.
vt. regretter, se repentir; regret, repent. A'ye nimisa aw ka jurumu la ! Repentez-vous de vos péchés ! Repent of your sins!
nimisi vt. See main entry: nimisa.
nimɔgɔ n. petite soeur ou petit frère de son mari ou de sa femme; younger in-law, e.g. younger brother or sister of husband or wife.
nimɔrɔ n. numéro; number. From: français
nin adj. démonstratif rapproché; this. Nin cɛ ye ne fa ye. Cet homme est mon père. This man is my father. An bɛ taa nin fɛ. Nous allons dans cette direction. We are going this way.
-nin suf. suffixe diminutif, nominal; diminutive suffix, applied to nouns.
ninakili n. respiration, haleine; breath, breathing.
ninnu adj. ceux-ci; these.
Ni Senu n.pro. Saint Esprit; Holy Spirit.
nisɔn n. humeur; mood. A nisɔn ka di. Il est content, gai, de bonne humeur. He is happy, cheerful, in a good mood. I nisɔn man di bi. Mun b'i la ? Tu es de mauvaise humeur aujourd'hui. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? You're not in a good mood today. What's wrong?
nisɔndiya n. joie, allégresse; joy, happiness.
vt. réjouir; make joyful. Morph: nisɔn‑diya. Ne nisɔndiyalen don. Je suis content. Je suis dans la joie. I'm happy.
nisɔngoya n. mauvaise humeur, tristesse; bad mood, sadness. Morph: nisɔn‑goya.
nisɔngɔ n. impôts, taxes; taxes. nisɔngɔ sara X ye payer les impôts à X. to pay taxes to X. Category: Government.
ni ... tɛ expr. sans; without. Ni wari tɛ, a ka gɛlɛn. Sans argent, c'est difficile. Without money, it's difficult. Ni Ala ka dɛmɛli tɛ, an tɛ se ka foyi kɛ. Sans Dieu, nous ne pouvons rien faire. Without God we can do nothing.
niwakini n. nivaquine; nivaquine. Category: Healthcare. From: français
ni ... ye expr. avec; with.
niyɔrɔ n. part, portion, héritage; share, portion, inheritance. I niyɔrɔ bɛ min ? Où est ma part ? Where is my share?
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Nizeriya n.pro. Nigeria; Nigeria. Category: Countries.
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Nizɛri n.pro. Niger; Niger. Category: Countries.
nka conj. mais; but.
nkalon n. mensonge; lie. Nkalon don. C'est un mensonge. Ce n'est pas vrai. It's a lie. It's not true. nkalon tigɛ mentir. tell a lie. Tiɲɛ wa nkalon ? Vrai ou faux ? True or false?
nkalontigɛla n. menteur, menteuse; lier. Morph: nkalon‑tigɛ‑la.
nkɛɛrɛn n. grillon; cricket. Category: Insects.
nkɛlen n. écureuil.
nkolonnin n. antelope; antelope. Category: Animals - wild.
nkɔri n. virgule; comma. Category: Linguistics.
nkɔsɔn n. scorpion; scorpion. Syn: bunteni.
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nkɔyɔ n. tomate amère, aubergine africaine; bitter tomato, African eggplant. Solanum aethiopicum. Category: Sauce Ingredients, Vegetables.
n'o tɛ conj. sinon, autrement; otherwise, if not.
nowanburu n. novembre; November. Category: Months.
nowanburukalo n. novembre; November. Morph: nowanburu‑kalo. Category: Months.
Nowɛli n. Noël; Christmas. From: français Category: Christianity.
nɔ [nɔ̌] n. 1 • trace, empreinte; mark, track.
2 • effet, conséquence; effect, consequence.
3 • travail, oeuvre; work.
nɔfɛ postp. à la poursuite de, à la suite de; after. U bolila basaw nɔfɛ. Ils ont couru à la poursuite de margouillats. They ran in search of lizards. tugu X nɔfɛ suivre X. follow X.
nɔgɛn vt. poursuivre; pursue, chase after.
nɔgɔ1 vt. salir; soil, dirty. I ka dulɔki nɔgɔra. I t'a yɛlɛma wa ? Ta chemise est sale. Tu ne vas pas la changer ? Your shirt has got dirty. Aren't you going to change it?
n. saleté; dirt.
nɔgɔ2 n. engrais; fertilizer. Category: Agriculture - General. See: angɛrɛ.
nɔgɔfin sorte d'engrais - blanc, irrégulier; type of fertilizer - white, irregular shaped.
nɔgɔjɛ sorte d'engrais - petit, rond, blanc; type of fertilizer - small, round, clear white.
nɔgɔlan n. mucilage, poudre verte utilisée pour faire une sauce gluante pour le 'to'; green powder, used to make sticky sauce for eating with 'to'. Category: Sauce Ingredients.
nɔgɔlen pp. sale; dirty. Morph: nɔgɔ‑len. I tɛgɛ nɔgɔlen don. Ta main est sale. Your hand is dirty.
nɔgɔlenya n. manque d'hygiène; lack of hygiene. Morph: nɔgɔlen‑ya.
nɔgɔn adj.pred. facile; easy. O ka nɔgɔn ! Ça c'est facile ! That's easy! A tun man nɔgɔn. Ce n'était pas facile. It was not easy. Ɲɔsɛnɛ ka nɔgɔn ni malo ye. Cultiver le mil est plus facile que de cultiver le riz. Cultivating millet is easier than rice. Opposite gɛlɛn ‘difficile’ ‘difficult’.
nɔgɔnman adj. facile; easy. Fɛn nɔgɔnman tɛ. Ce n'est pas quelque chose de facile. It's not an easy thing.
nɔgɔya1 n. 1 • facilité; ease. nɔgɔya la / ni nɔgɔya ye facilement. easily. Ala k'i se nɔgɔya la ! Que Dieu fasse que tu arrives facilement ! May God enable you to arrive easily/safely!
2 • bon marché; good price. Awa bɛ namasa feere nɔgɔya la. Awa vend des bananes à bon prix. Awa sells banana cheaply. See: gɛlɛya1 ‘difficulté’ ‘difficulty’.
nɔgɔya2 vt. 1 • faciliter; make easy.
2 • améliorer; improve. Ala ka wari ko nɔgɔya ! Que Dieu facilite la question d'argent ! May God improve your money situation! Ala ka nɔgɔya (kɛ) ! Que Dieu fasse que ta santé s'améliore ! May God enable you to recover good health!
nɔn vi. nager; swim. A bɛ nɔn i ko jɛgɛ. Il nage comme un poisson. He swims like a fish.
nɔ na postp. à la place de; in place of, instead of. Mun y'a to mɔgɔ bɛ dafɛn bato dabaa Ala nɔ na ? Pourquoi les gens adorent-ils des créatures à la place de Dieu le créateur ? Why do people worship created things in the place of the creator God?
nɔnabila n. pronom; pronoun. Category: Linguistics.
nɔnkɔn n. coude; elbow. Category: Human Body.
nɔnkɔnkuru n. coude; elbow. Category: Human Body. Morph: nɔnkɔn‑kuru.
nɔnni n. natation; swimming. Category: Sports. N tɛ se nɔnni na. Je ne sais pas nager. I can't swim.
nɔnnikɛla n. nageur; swimmer. Category: Sports. Morph: nɔnni‑kɛ‑la.
nɔnɔ n. lait; milk. Category: Drinks. nɔnɔ kɛnɛ lait fraîche. fresh milk. nɔnɔ kumu lait aigre. sour milk. Nɔnɔ ye jimafɛn jɛman ye min bɛ bɔ bagan dɔw la i n'a fɔ misi, saga, ba, ɲaamɛ, walasa k'u denw balo. Le lait est un liquide blanc qui vient de certains animaux comme: des vaches, des brebis, des chèvres, des chamaux, pour but de nourir leurs petits. Milk is a white liquid which comes from certain animals like cows, sheep, goats, camels, for the purpose of feeding their young. [Bamanankan Kalangafe San 4-nan (Bamako 1997), p.84] Nɔnɔ bɛ dumunifɛnkulu fɔlɔ de fɛ, min bɛ barika di farikolo ma. Le lait appartient au premier groupe d'aliments, qui donnent de la force au corps. Milk belongs to the first group of food items, which give the body strength. [Bamanankan Kalangafe San 4-nan (Bamako 1997), p.84]
nɔnɔmafɛn n. produit latier; dairy product.
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nɔnɔmugu n. lait en poudre; powdered milk. Morph: nɔnɔ‑mugu. Category: Drinks.
nɔnsi n. caméléon; chameleon. Category: Animals - wild.
nɔɔni vt. mélanger, pétrir, écraser; mix, crush, mush up. tamati nɔɔni écraser les tomates. crush the tomatoes. bɔgɔ nɔɔni mélanger la boue. mix the mud. farini nɔɔnine pâte de farine. dough made from flour. Category: Cooking - Verbs, House Building.
nɔɔrɔ n. gloire; glory. Nɔɔrɔ ka da Ala kan. Gloire à Dieu. Glory to God.
nɔɔrɔma adj. glorieux; glorious. Morph: nɔɔrɔ‑ma.
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Nɔriwɛzi n.pro. Norvège; Norway. Category: Countries.
nɔrɔ vt. 1 • coller; stick.
2 • crépir; cover, e.g. walls with mud.
vi. s'attacher; hold on to.
nɔrɔnna n. affixe; affix. Category: Linguistics.
npalan n. sac, sacoche, cartable; bag, satchel, briefcase. See: saki.
npan n. épée; sabre, sword.
npɛtɛ n. tabatière; snuffbox.
Npiyɛ n.pro. prénom donné au quatrième fils; name given to fourth son. Category: Names. Npiyɛ ye denkɛ naaninan tɔgɔ ye. Npiye est le nom du quatrième fils. Npiye is the name of the fourth son.
npogi n. cache-sexe; G-string (male or female). Category: Clothing.
npogotigi [npògòtigi] n. jeune fille, vierge; girl, virgin.
npogotigiya n. 1 • temps de jeunesse d'une fille; girl's youth.
2 • virginité; virginity. Morph: npogotigi‑ya.
nsaamɛ n. riz au gras; rice dish. Category: Meals.
nsaban n. liane; creeper, liana. Saba senegalensis.
Nsan n.pro. prénom donné au deuxième fils; name given to second son. Category: Names. Nsan ye denkɛ filanan tɔgɔ ye. Nsan est le nom du deuxième fils. Nsan is the name of the second son.
nsana n. proverbe; proverb. See: ntalen.
nsantɛgɛba n. masque pour les danses bambara; masque used in dances.
nse expr. réponse d'une femme à une salutation; female response to a greeting. See: nba.
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nsɛrɛ n. pastèque; watermelon. Category: Fruits.
nsiirin n. conte, fable; fable, tale, imaginary story. nsiirin da ranconter une fable. tell a fable.
nsiranɛgɛ n. bronze; bronze.
nson1 n. voleur; thief.
nson2 n. rouille; rust.
nsonkɛ n. voleur; thief. Morph: nson‑kɛ.
ntalen n. conte, parabole, proverbe, devinette; story, parable, proverb, riddle. ntalen da raconter une histoire, dire un proverbe. to tell a story, to say a proverb.
ntama n. tambourin; tambourine. Category: Music.
ntamaro n. datte, palmier-datier; date (fruit). Phoenix dactylifera. Category: Fruits.
-ntan suf. sans; without.
ntanan n. cloche; bell.
nten n. palmier à huile; oil palm. Category: Trees.
ntɛbɛn n. carpe; carp. Category: Fish.
ntɛnɛn n. lundi; Monday. Category: Days of the Week.
ntɛntɛn n. devinette; riddle.
ntigi n. poisson-électrique; electric fish. Category: Fish.
ntilen n. girafe; giraffe. Category: Animals - wild.
ntola [ntòla] n. ballon; ball. Syn: bàlɔn. Category: Sports, Football.
ntolacila n. footballeur; footballer. Morph: ntola‑ci‑la. Category: Football.
ntolatan n. football; football, soccer. Morph: ntola‑tan. Syn: balɔntan. Category: Sports, Football.
ntolatanna n. footballeur, joueur de football; footballer. Morph: ntolatan‑na. Syn: balɔntanna. Category: Football.
ntolatantɔn n. équipe de football; football team. Morph: ntolatan‑tɔn. Category: Football.
ntolatanyɔrɔ n. terrain de football, stade de football; football pitch, football ground. Morph: ntolatan‑yɔrɔ. Category: Football.
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ntomi n. tamarin, tamarinier; tamarind. Tamarindus indica. Category: Fruits, Trees.
ntonkun n. termitière; termite mound.
ntori n. grenouille, crapaud; frog, toad. Verbs pan ‘sauter’ ‘to jump’; kasi ‘coasser’ ‘to croak’.
ntɔn n. criquet, locuste, sauterelle; locust. Category: Animals - wild.
ntɔnkulu n. essaim de criquets; swarm of locusts. Morph: ntɔn‑kulu.
ntubanni n. colombe; dove. Category: Birds - wild.
ntuloma n. 1 • poteau fourchu, pour soutenir le plafond; forked post, used to support roof beam.
2 • soutien; support. A bɛ fɔ ko sɛnɛkɛla ye Mali ntuloma ye. On dit que les agriculteurs sont le soutien principal du Mali. It is said that farmers are Mali's main support. [Kibaru: Desanburukalo 1999, p.6]
ntumu [ntùmu] n. ver; worm. Category: Animals - wild.
ntura n. taureau; bull. Category: Animals - domestic.
nùgu adj. lisse; smooth.
vt. lisser, polir, rendre lisse; smooth, polish.
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nugu n. intestin; intestine. I nugu ka bon. Tu es gourmand. You are greedy. Category: Human Body.
nuguji adj. vert clair; light green. Category: Colours.
numan n. gauche; left. I bɛ fara i numan fɛ. Tu tournes à gauche. You turn left. K'a ta numan fɛ ka t'a bila kinin na de gauche à droite (par ex. dans une photo). From left to right (e.g. in a photo). See: kinin ‘droite’ ‘right’.
numanbolo n. main gauche; left hand. Morph: numan‑bolo.
numu n. forgeron; blacksmith.
numukɛ n. forgeron; blacksmith. Morph: numu‑kɛ.
numumuso n. forgeronne; blacksmith's wife. Morph: numu‑muso.
numuyabaara n. travail de forgeron; blacksmith work. Morph: numuya‑baara.
nun n. nez; nose. Category: Human Body. I nun fyɛ ! Mouche ton nez ! Blows your nose! A kasa bɛ ne nun na. J'en sens l'odeur. I can smell it.
nunadafalen n. voyelle nasale; nasal vowel. Category: Linguistics. Morph: nuna‑dafalen.
nunadafata n. consonne nasale ou prénasale; nasal or prenasalised consonant. Category: Linguistics.
nunɛti n. lunettes; glasses, spectacles. See: tilenunɛti ‘lunettes de soleil’ ‘sunglasses’. A bɛ nunɛti don tuma bɛɛ. Il porte toujours des lunettes. He always wears glasses.
nunji n. morve; mucus. Morph: nun‑ji.
nunnafɔ vt. nasalise, prononcer par le nez; nasalise, pronounce through the nose.
nunnafɔli n. nasalisation; nasalisation. Morph: nunnafɔ‑li. Category: Linguistics.
nunwo n. narine; nostril. Category: Human Body. Morph: nun‑wo.
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Nuwɛli Zelandi n.pro. Nouvelle-Zélande; New Zealand. Category: Countries.