B - b
ba1 n. mère; mother. Category: Family. Syn: bamuso.
ba2 [bǎ] n. chèvre; goat. Category: Animals - domestic.
ba3 n. fleuve, rivière; river. Category: Geography - General. ba tigɛ traverser le fleuve. cross the river.
ba4 n. mille (1000); thousand (1000). Syn: waa. san ba fila ani naani l'année 2004. the year 2004.
-ba suf. augmentatif; augmentative.
-baa suf. suffixe verbale qui indique l'agent, c'est-à-dire celui qui fait l'action; verbal suffix indicating agent, i.e. one who does the action. dɛmɛ, dɛmɛbaa aider, celui qui aide. help, helper. kisi, kisibaa sauver, sauveur. save, saviour. ɲɛminɛ, ɲɛminɛbaa diriger, dirigeant. lead, leader. Variant: -baga.
baana n. riche; rich person.
baara n. travail, métier, profession, occupation; work, job, occupation. baara kɛ travailler. work. I ka baara ye mun ye ? Quel est votre travail ? What is your work? Baara caman bɛ n bolo. J'ai beaucoup de travail. I have lots of work to do. I ye baara daminɛ waati jumɛn ? Quand est-ce que tu as commencé ton travail ? When did you start your work/job?
baaraden n. ouvrier, travailleur, serviteur; workman, worker, servant. Morph: baara‑den.
baarakɛbolo n. main d'oeuvre; labour. Morph: baara‑kɛ‑bolo.
baarakɛminɛn n. équipement; equipment. Morph: baara‑kɛ‑minɛn.
baarakɛɲɔgɔn n. collaborateur; colleague. Morph: baara‑kɛ‑ɲɔgɔn.
baarakɛyɔrɔ n. lieu de travail; workplace, workshop. Morph: baara‑kɛ‑yɔrɔ.
baarantan n. chômeur; unemployed person. Morph: baara‑ntan.
baasi n. mal, problème; problem. Baasi tɛ ! / O tɛ baasi ye ! D'accord ! Pas de problème ! Ce n'est pas grave ! OK! No problem!
Baba n. Papa; Dad, Father. Syn: Buwa.
babi n. baby-foot; table football. Category: Sports.
babili n. pont; bridge. See: pɔn.
babolo n. bras d'un fleuve; branch of a river. Morph: ba‑bolo. Category: Geography - General.
bada n. rive, bord du fleuve; river bank. Morph: ba‑da. Category: Geography - General.
badaa adv. à jamais, pour toujours; forever.
Badalabugu n.pro. Badalabougou; quartier de Bamako, au sud du Niger; Badalabougou; district of Bamako, south of the river. Morph: bada‑la‑bugu.
baden [bàden] n. chevreau, chevrette; kid. Morph: ba‑den.
badɛgɛ [bàdɛgɛ] n. bouc; billy goat. Category: Animals - domestic.
baga1 [bàga] vi. offenser; offend. bàga X ma offenser X. offend X. I bagara n ba ma. Tu as offensé ma mère. You offended my mother.
baga2 [bàga] n. poison, venin; poison, venom.
-baga suf. suffixe verbale qui indique l'agent, c'est-à-dire celui qui fait l'action; verbal suffix indicating agent, i.e. one who does the action. See main entry: -baa. bayɛlɛma, bayɛlɛmabaga traduire, traducteur. translate, translator.
bagabaga [bàgàbaga] vt. effrayer, faire peur à; frighten, scare.
bagaji n. pesticide; pesticide. Morph: baga‑ji. Category: Agriculture - General.
bagan n. animal, bête; animal, beast.
bàgan n. amulette, gri-gri, talisman; amulet, talisman.
bagandɔgɔtɔrɔ n. vétérinaire; vet. Morph: bagan‑dɔgɔtɔrɔ.
baganfagayɔrɔ n. abattoir; slaughterhouse. Morph: bagan‑faga‑yɔrɔ.
bagangɛnna n. berger; shepherd. Morph: bagan‑gɛn‑na.
baganmara n. élevage; livestock farming. Morph: bagan‑mara.
baganmarala n. éleveur; livestock farmer. Morph: baganmara‑la.
bagansugu n. marché à bétails; animal market. Morph: bagan‑sugu.
bageren [bàgeren] n. chevreau, chevrette; kid (goat). Category: Animals - domestic.
bagɛnna n. chevrier; goat herder. Morph: bǎ‑gɛnna.
bagi n. tissu; cloth.
bajalan n. canal; canal. Category: Geography - General.
baji n. eau de la rivière, du lac; river/lake water. Morph: ba‑ji.
bakɔrɔ n. bouc; billy goat. Category: Animals - domestic.
bakuruba n. groupe; group.
bakurubasanni n. abonnement; subscription. Morph: bakuruba‑sanni.
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bala1 n. balafon, xylophone; balaphone, xylophone. Category: Music. The balaphone is constructed from "17"-"21" rectangular wooden slats, arranged in an array from low to high notes. The slats are generally made from béné wood, and are carefully dried over a low flame to achieve their sonorous resonance. The ends of each slat are burned black with an iron to seal them. The instrument builder tunes each slat by shaving its underbelly. Two rows of calabashes provide natural amplifiers for the balaphone. These calabashes are fixed below the slats, also in arrays from small to large. [David Gilden, www.coraconnection.com].
bàla2 vi. surprendre; surprise. bala mɔgɔw la surprendre les gens. surprise people.
bàla3 n. porc-épic; porcupine. Category: Animals - wild. Part: jolo ‘piquant’ ‘spine’.
bàlàbala vt. cuire à l'eau, bouillir; boil, cook in water. See: sɛfan ‘oeuf’ ‘egg’.
balafɔla n. balafoniste; balaphone player. Category: Music. Morph: bala‑fɔ‑la.
balawu [bàlàwu] n. 1 • catastrophe, accident; catastrophe, accident, disaster.
2 • bagarre, émeute; fight, riot.
-bali suf. suffixe qui indique 'sans'; suffix indicating 'without'. See: banbali ‘sans fin, éternel’ ‘unending, without end, eternal’.
bali [bàli] vt. empêcher; hinder, prevent. Te tɛ n bali ka sunɔgɔ. Le thé ne m'empêche pas de dormir. Tea doesn't prevent me from sleeping. Sanji ye n bali ka taa. La pluie m'a empêché d'y aller. The rain prevented me from going.
baliku n. adulte; adult.
balikukalan n. alphabétisation (des adultes); literacy (for adults). Morph: baliku‑kàlan. balikukalan karamɔgɔ enseignant d'alphabétisation des adultes. adult literacy teacher. Category: Education.
balikukalanden n. adulte qui suit un cours d'alphabétisation; adult who is taking a basic literacy class. Morph: balikukalan‑den. Category: Education.
balikukalanso n. centre d'alphabétisation; literacy centre. Morph: balikukalan‑so. Category: Education.
Balikukalansoba n.pro. DNAFLA; DNAFLA. Category: Education, Government.
balima n. frère, sœur; sibling, brother, sister. Category: Family.
balimakɛ n. frère; brother. Morph: balima‑kɛ. Category: Family.
balimamuso n. soeur; sister. Morph: balima‑muso. Category: Family.
balimaya n. relations familiales; family relations, brotherhood. Morph: balima‑ya. Category: Family.
balo n. nourriture; food.
balo vi. vivre; live. I mɔkɛ bɛ balo la wa ? Est-ce que ton grand-père vit toujours ? Is your grandfather still alive?
vt. nourrir, faire vivre; feed, nourish. Ala ka den balo ! Que Dieu fasse vivre l'enfant ! (ex. bénédiction donnée à un bébé). May God keep the child in life ! (e.g. blessing given to a baby). Yesu ye mɔgɔ waa duuru balo. Jésus a nourri cinq mille personnes. Jesus fed five thousand people. See: labalo.
balocogo n. façon de vivre; way of life. Morph: balo‑cogo. Fulaw balocogo ka gɛlɛn. La façon de vivre des Peuls est dure. The way of life of the Peuls is hard.
balodɛsɛ n. sous-alimentation, malnutrition; malnutrition. Morph: balo‑dɛsɛ. Category: Illnesses.
balolen pp. vivant; living. I mɔmuso balolen don wa ? Ta grand-mère est-elle vivante ? Is your grandmother living? Morph: balo‑len.
balɔn [bàlɔn] n. ballon; ball. Syn: ntòla. Category: Sports, Football.
balɔntan n. football; football, soccer. Morph: balɔn‑tan. Syn: ntolatan. Category: Sports, Football. U bɛ balɔntan na. Ils sont en train de jouer au football. They are playing football.
balɔntanna n. footballeur, joueur de football; footballer. Morph: balɔntan‑na. Syn: ntolatanna. Category: Football.
bama [bàma] n. crocodile, caïman; crocodile. Category: Animals - wild. Jirikuru mɛnna ji la cogo o cogo, o tɛ se ka kɛ bama ye. Le tronc d'un arbre a beau rester longtemps dans l'eau, il ne devient pas crocodile. However long a log stays in the water, it doesn't become a crocodile.
Bamakɔ n.pro. Bamako; Bamako. Category: Towns.
bamanan [bamànan] n. bambara (ethnie); Bambara (ethnic group). Category: Ethnic Groups.
bamanankan n. langue bamana; Bambara language. Morph: bamanan‑kan. Category: Languages.
bamanankandegela n. celui qui apprend le bambara; student learning bambara. Morph: bamanankan‑dege‑la.
bamanankankalanna n. celui qui apprend le bambara; student learning bambara. Morph: bamanankan‑kàlan‑na.
bambale n. dalle; concrete slab.
bamu vt. porter sur le dos; carry on back. Alimata bɛ den bamu. Alimata porte un enfant sur le dos. Alimata is carrying a child on her back.
bamuso n. mère; mother. Morph: ba‑muso. Category: Family.
bàmuso n. chèvre; goat. Morph: bǎ‑muso. Category: Animals - domestic.
ban1 n. fin; end.
vt. finir; finish. A banna. C'est fini. C'est tout. It's finished. That's all. Nbuuru banna. Il n'y a plus de pain. There is no more bread. U ye dumuni ban. Ils ont fini la nourriture. They finished the food. A ma ban fɔlɔ. C'est pas encore fini. It's not finished yet. O san bannen A la fin de cette année-là. At the end of that year.
vi. décéder, mourir; die. Mamadu banna. Mamadou est mort. Mamadou has died.
ban2 [bàn] vi. refuser; refuse. A banna Ala la. Il a refusé Dieu. He refused God. Madu bɛ ban baara ma. Madou refuse de travailler. Madou refuses to work. Hadama banna ka mobili boli. Adam a refusé de conduire la voiture. Adam refused to drive the car. See: sɔn2 ‘accepter’ ‘accept’.
ban3 [bǎn] n. palmier; palm tree. Raphia sudanica. Category: Trees.
ban4 n. banc; bench. From: français See: sigilan.
bana1 [bàna] n. maladie; sickness, illness. Category: Illnesses. Bana b'i la wa ? Ayi, n ka kɛnɛ kosɛbɛ ! Tu es malade ? Non, je me portes très bien ! Are you unwell? No, I'm very well! Bana juguyara wa ? La maladie a-t-elle empiré ? Has the illness got worse? Bana y'a minɛ. Il est malade. He is unwell.
vi. tomber malade; become unwell.
vt. rendre malade; make unwell.
bana2 [bàna] n. fromager; Kapok tree. Ceiba pentandra. Category: Trees.
banabaatɔ [bànàbàatɔ] Variant: bànàbàgàtɔ. n. malade; sick person. Morph: bana‑baatɔ. Category: Illnesses.
bananku n. manioc; manioc. Manihot esculenta. Category: Vegetables, Crops. Verbs sen2 ‘déterrer’ ‘to dig out’.
banbali adj. sans fin, éternel; unending, eternal. Morph: ban‑bali. See: ban ‘fin’ ‘end’; -bali ‘sans’ ‘without’.
bandi n. bandit; bandit. See: binkannikɛla. From: français
banfula [bànfula] n. chapeau; hat. Syn: fugulan. Category: Clothing.
bange vi. être né; be born. A bangera Bamakɔ san 1938. Il/elle est né à Bamako en 1938. He/she was born in Bamako in 1938. san 200 sani Yesu ka bange 200 av. J.-C. 200 BC.
vt. enfanter; give birth. I na kɔnɔ ta ka denkɛ bange, i na o tɔgɔ da Yesu. Tu deviendras enceinte, tu enfanteras un fils, et tu l’appelleras du nom de Jésus. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. [Bible: Luka 1.31]
bangebaa n. parent; parent. Category: Family. Morph: bange‑baa.
bangebali adj. stérile; sterile. Morph: bange‑bali.
bangedon n. date de naissance; date of birth. Morph: bange‑don.
bangeli n. naissance; birth. Morph: bange‑li.
bangu n. continent; continent. Category: Geography - General.
baninkɔnɔ n. cigogne d'Abdim; stork. Category: Birds - wild. Ciconia abdimii.
banji n. vin de palm; palm wine. Morph: ban‑ji. Category: Drinks.
banki n. banque; bank. Syn: waribon. From: français
banni n. 1 • fin; end.
2 • décès; death.
bantan n. orphelin (sans mère); orphan (without mother). Morph: ba‑ntan. See: fàntan ‘orphelin (sans père)’ ‘orphan (without father)’.
bara postp. chez; at the home of.
bàra n. calebasse; calabash. Category: Household Items. Bàra tilancɛ ye filen ye. Une demi-calebasse est une 'filen'. Half a calabash is a 'filen'. [Dictionnaire Bambara-Français 2000, p.133] See: filen.
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baradaa n. théière; teapot. Category: Household Items, Making Tea. I bɛ te wuli baradaa la. Tu prépares le thé dans une théière. You make tea in a teapot.
baraji [bàràji] n. récompense divine; divine reward. I ni baraji ! Que tu en sois récompensé ! May you be rewarded!
barakan n. langue maternelle; mother tongue. Category: Linguistics, Languages. Morph: bara‑kan. i yɛrɛ barakan ta langue maternelle. your mother tongue. Syn: todunkan.
barama n. marmite en métal; iron cooking pot. Category: Household Items. See: nɛgɛdaga.
barama vt. louer; praise. Jeli bɛ mɔgɔw barama. Le griot loue les gens. The griot sings people's praises.
baranda [bàrànda] n. plantain; plantain. Syn: loko. Category: Fruits.
bari1 conj. parce que, car; because. Syn: barisa.
bari2 [bàri] vt. 1 • rapiécer; patch.
2 • crépir, couvrir de boue ou de ciment; cover with mud or cement. Category: House Building.
barika n. 1 • force; strength. From: arabe: baraka
2 • remerciement; thanks. barika da remercier, rendre grâce. give thanks. Ne bɛ barika da Ala ye. Je remercie Dieu. I give thanks to God. Ala, an bɛ barika da i ye i ka kantigiya kosɔn. Dieu, nous te remercions pour ta fidélité. God, we give you thanks for your faithfulness.
3 • faveur; favour.
barikama adj. fort, puissant; strong, powerful. Morph: barika‑ma.
barikantanya n. impuissance; powerlessness. Morph: barika‑ntan‑ya.
barikatigi n. fort; strong.
n.pro. savon en poudre (marque); soap powder (brand name). See: safunɛmugu.
barisa conj. parce que; because. Syn: bari, ka d'a kan, katuguni.
baro [bàro] n. conversation, causerie; conversation, chat. An bɛ bàro la. Nous sommes en train de converser. We are having a conversation. An ka bàro kɛ ! Parlons ensemble ! Let's talk!
basa n. lézard, margouillat; agama lizard. Category: Animals - wild.
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base n. véhicule bâché; utilisé pour les transports en commun; bush taxi; popular type of public transport vehicle. Syn: duurunin. Category: Transport.
basi adj.pred. âpre (au goût); bitter. Mangoro geren ka basi. Une mangue qui n'est pas mûre est âpre. An unripe mango is bitter.
basi n. fétiche; fetish. Syn: boli, jǒ.
bàsi n. couscous; couscous. Category: Meals.
basikɛti n. basket, basketball; basketball. Category: Sports. From: français
basisɔnna n. fétichiste; celui qui adore des fétiches; person who worships fetishes. Morph: basi‑sɔn‑na. Syn: josɔnna, bolisɔnna. Category: Traditional Religion.
bataki n. lettre; letter. Syn: lɛtɛrɛ. bataki ci X ma envoyer une lettre à X. send a letter to X.
batakikɛsu n. boîte postale; post office box. Morph: bataki‑kɛsu.
batiri n. batterie; battery. Category: Household Items. From: français
batise vt. baptiser; baptise. Ne bɛ i batise Fa ni Denkɛ ani Ni Senu tɔgɔ la. Je te baptise au nom du Père et du Fils et du Saint Esprit. I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Category: Christianity.
batiseden n. celui qui va se faire baptiser; baptismal candidate. Morph: batise‑den. Category: Christianity.
batiseli n. baptême; baptism. Category: Christianity.
batiselikɛla n. celui qui baptise; person who baptises. Yuhana Batiselikɛla Jean Baptiste. John the Baptist. Category: Christianity.
bato1 [bàto] vt. 1 • adorer, vénérer; adore, worship, venerate.
2 • respecter; respect. sariya bato respecter la loi. respect the law.
bato2 n. bateau; boat. Category: Transport. From: français See: kurun.
batobaa n. adorateur; worshipper. Morph: bato‑baa. Ala batobaa adorateur de Dieu. worshipper of God.
batofɛn n. dieu; god. Morph: bato‑fɛn.
batokɛla n. adorateur; worshipper. Morph: bato‑kɛ‑la.
batoli n. 1 • adoration, louange; adoration, praise, worship.
2 • culte; church service. Category: Christianity. Morph: bato‑li. Ni batoli banna... A la fin du culte... At the end of the service...
bawo conj. car, parce que; because. Syn: barisa, katuguni, sabu.
bayɛlɛma vt. 1 • changer, transformer; change, transform.
2 • traduire; translate.
bayɛlɛmabaga n. traducteur; translator. Morph: bayɛlɛma‑baga.
bayɛlɛmali n. 1 • transformation; transformation.
2 • traduction; translation. Morph: bayɛlɛma‑li. Bibulu bayɛlɛmali traduction de la Bible. Bible translation.
bazɛn n. sorte de tissu; type of material.
belebele [bèlèbele] adj. gros; fat, big.
belebeleba [bèlèbèlèba] adj. gros, immense; fat, big, huge, immense.
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Benɛn n.pro. Bénin; Benin. Category: Countries.
bere n. bâton; stick, e.g. for beating animals, beating millet. Category: Agriculture - Tools.
bereminɛbaa n. guide d'un aveugle; guide for the blind. Morph: bere‑minɛ‑baa.
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Berezili n.pro. Brésil; Brazil. Category: Countries.
bese [bèse] n. machette; machete. Category: Agriculture - Tools.
bɛ pred. 1 • auxiliaire du présent positif des verbes; auxiliary for marking present tense, positive. N bɛ baara kɛ. Je travaille. I am working. U bɛ ne dɛmɛ. Ils m'aident. They are helping me.
2 • prédicat d'existence, de présence; predicate of existence, of presence. Madu bɛ misiri kɔnɔ. Madou est dans la mosquée. Madou is in the mosque. Fanta bɛ yan ? Fanta est là ? Is Fanta here? Funteni bɛ. Il fait chaud. It's hot. See: tɛ.
bɛ ... bolo expr. avoir, posseder; have, possess, own. X bɛ P bolo. P a/possède X. P has/owns X. Fanta furulen don, den saba b'a bolo. Fanta est mariée et elle a trois enfants. Fanta is married with three children. Syn: bɛ ... fɛ1.
bɛɛ adj. tout, tous; all, every. Denw bɛɛ bɛ dumuni kɛ. Tous les enfants sont en train de manger. All the children are eating. U bɛɛ sara. Ils sont tous mort. They all died / They are all dead. Tuma bɛɛ toujours. at all times, always.
bɛɛjɛfanga n. démocratie; democracy. Morph: bɛɛ‑jɛ‑fanga.
bɛ ... fɛ1 expr. avoir, posséder; have, possess, own. X bɛ P fɛ. P a/possède X. P has/owns X. Nbuuru b'i fɛ wa ? Est-ce que tu as du pain ? Do you have any bread? Nɛgɛso bɛ ne fɛ. J'ai un vélo (lit. un vélo est avec moi). I have a bike (lit. a bike is with me). Syn: bɛ ... bolo.
bɛ ... fɛ2 expr. aimer, vouloir; like, want. P bɛ X fɛ. P aime/veut X. P likes/wants X. I bɛ mun fɛ ? Qu'est-ce que tu veux/aimes ? What do you want/like? N bɛ kini ni sogo fɛ. J'aime/je veux le riz et la viande. I like/want rice and meat. N b'a fɛ ka taa sugu la. Je veux aller au marché. I want to go to the market. An b'a fɛ ka saki san. Nous voulons acheter un sac. We want to buy a bag. Ama t'a fɛ ka taa dugu kɔnɔ. Ama ne veut pas aller en ville. Ama does not want to go into town. Jeneba tun t'a fɛ. Jeneba ne l'aimait pas. Jeneba didn't like it.
bɛla n. groupe ethnique : esclave tamacheq; ethnic group: Tamasheq slave. Category: Ethnic Groups.
bɛlɛ [bɛ̀lɛ] n. gravier; gravel, small stone. Bolokɔni kelen tɛ se ka bɛlɛ ta. Un doigt ne peut pas prendre un caillou (C'est important d'aider les uns les autres). One finger cannot lift a pebble (It's important to help each other).
bɛlɛkisɛ [bɛ̀lɛ̀kisɛ] n. gravier, gravillon; gravel. Morph: bɛ̀lɛ‑kisɛ.
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Bɛliziki n.pro. Belgique; Belgium. Category: Countries.
bɛmamuso n. tante (soeur de mère); aunt (mother's sister). Category: Family.
bɛ̀n vi. 1 • se rencontrer; meet. K'an bɛ̀n ! Au revoir ! See you! K'an bɛ̀n sini ! A demain ! See you tomorrow! O bɛ bɛ̀n don wɛrɛ. Ce sera pour un autre jour. That will be for another day.
2 • s'entendre, être d'accord; agree. X ni Y bɛnna Z la. X et Y se sont mis accord sur Z. X and Y agreed on Z. An bɛnna sara la. Nous nous sommes mis d'accord sur le salaire. We agreed on the salary. Du fila bɛnna furudon na. Les deux familles se sont mis d'accord sur la date du mariage. The two families agreed on the wedding day. An ma bɛn a kan. Nous n'étions pas d'accord sur ça. We didn't agree on that. U bɛnn'a kan ko Amidu ka taa. Ils ont décidé que Amidou y aille. They agreed that Amidou should go.
bɛnba n. ancêtre; ancestor.
bɛnɛ n. sésame; sesame. Category: Crops. Verbs tigɛ ‘récolter, couper’ ‘harvest, cut’.
bɛnɛtulu n. huile de sésame; sesame oil. Morph: bɛnɛ‑tulu.
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Bɛngiladɛsi n.pro. Bangladesh; Bangladesh. Category: Countries.
bɛnkan n. accord, contrat; agreement, contract. Morph: bɛn‑kan.
bɛnkɛ n. oncle (frère de sa mère); uncle (mother's brother). Category: Family.
bɛrɛ adv. beaucoup; a lot. Ne ma se ka tiga bɛrɛ dan. Je n'ai pas pu planter beaucoup d'arachides. I was not able to plant a lot of peanuts. Sanji nana dɔɔnin bi, bɛrɛ tɛ. Il a plu un peu aujourd'hui, mais pas beaucoup. Some rain fell today, not much.
bɛti n. hymne, cantique; hymn. Category: Music. bɛti da chanter un cantique. to sing a hymn.
bi1 n. aujourd'hui; today. Bi ye alamisa ye. Aujourd'hui, c'est jeudi. Today is Thursday. bi kunɲɔgɔn aujourd'hui en huit. a week from today. a tile naani ye bi ye il y a quatre jours. four days ago. See: kunùn ‘hier’ ‘yesterday’; sini ‘demain’ ‘tomorrow’.
bi2 n. but; goal. From: français Category: Football. A ye bi kelen don. Il a marqué un but. He scored a goal. A ye bi jɛ. Il a manqué le but. He missed the goal. Syn: kuru3.
bibiliotɛki n. bibliothèque; library. Category: Education.
bibulu n. Bible; Bible.
bidonna n. buteur, attaquant; striker. Category: Football.
biduuru num. cinquante (50); fifty (50).
biki n. bic; bic, ballpoint pen. Syn: sɛbɛnnikɛlan.
bikɔnɔntɔn num. quatre-vingt dix, nonante (90); ninety (90).
Bila n.pro. Bla; Bla. Category: Towns.
bila [bla] vt. 1 • lâcher, laisser, mettre, placer, poser; put down, let go of, leave, release. O bila. I ka na ! Laisse ça et viens ! Leave that and come! N y'a ta yɔrɔ min na, n y'a bila yen. Là où je l'ai pris, je le laisse. (Fin typique d'un conte. Le conteur indique qu'il l'a trouvé quelque part et qu'il n'en est pas la responsable.) Where I took it, I will leave it there. (Typical ending to a fable, by which the storyteller indicates that he found it somewhere and it is not his responsibility.) U bɛ lakɔli bila ka baara kɛ. Ils quittent l'école pour aller travailler. They give up school to go to work. X bila kɛrɛ fɛ laisser X à côté. leave X aside.
2 • entraîner, provoquer; cause, provoke. Soso bɛ sumayabana bila mɔgɔ la. Mosquitos donnent le paludisme aux gens. Mosquitoes give malaria to people. Faantanya bɛ mɔgɔ bila yɛrɛfaga la. La pauvreté provoque des gens à se donner la mort. Poverty drives people to suicide.
3 • accompagner; accompany. N bɛ taa i bila so. Je vais t'accompagner à la maison. I will accompany you home.
4 • rater, manquer; miss.
bilakoro n. jeune garçon, pas encore circoncis; young boy, not yet circumcised.
bilakoroya n. enfance (pour un garçon, avant circoncision); childhood, boyhood. Morph: bilakoro‑ya.
bilali n. natte; mat. Syn: dɛbɛn. Category: Household Items.
bilasiralila n. celui qui vous accompagne une petite partie d'un trajet avant de dire au revoir; person who accompanies you part of the way to send you off on a journey. Morph: bila‑sira‑li‑la.
bilen1 [blen] adj.pred. rouge, brun, rose; red, brown, pink. Category: Colours.
bilen2 [blen] adv. encore; again. Syn: tun, tugun, tugunni.
bilenman [bl] n adj. rouge, brun, rose; red, brown, pink. Sigilan ye bileman ye. La chaise est rouge. The chair is red. Category: Colours.
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bili vt. couvrir, faire la couverture de; cover, roof. Category: House Building.
bìn [bìn] vi. tomber; fall. A binna duguma. Il est tombé par terre. He fell to the ground. N'i binna ka bɔ jiri sanfɛ, i bolo bɛ se ka kari. Si tu tombais d'un arbre, tu pourrais te casser le bras. If you fell from a tree, you could break your arm. Seli tɛmɛnen kɔ, saga sɔngɔ bɛ bin. Après la fête, le prix d'un mouton baisse. After the festival, the price of sheep goes down.
vt. faire tomber; knock down, pull down. Bakari bɛ ɲɔ bin. Bakari fait tomber le mil. Bakari is pulling down the millet.
bín [bín] n. herbe; grass, weed. bin jugu mauvaise herbe. weed. Verbs siyɛn ‘enlever avec houe’ ‘to clear with hoe’.
binaani num. quarante (40); forty (40).
binfagalan n. désherbant, herbicide; weed killer. Morph: bin‑faga‑lan. Category: Agriculture - General.
binkannikɛla n. bandit; bandit, robber. See: bandi.
binkɛnɛman n adj. vert; green. Morph: bin‑kɛnɛ‑man. Category: Colours.
binni n. chute, déclin; fall, decline. Morph: bin‑ni.
bintu n. savane; savannah. Category: Geography - General.
biɲɛ n. corne; horn.
biɲɛ n. foie; liver. Category: Human Body.
bìɲɛ n. pointe, flèche; point, spike, arrow.
biɲɛkisɛ n. flèche; arrow. biɲɛkisɛ bon tirer un flèche. shoot an arrow.
birankɛ n. beau-père; father-in-law. Category: Family.
biri1 vt. couvrir; cover.
biri2 v.ref. se courber; bend over, facing the ground. See: jan.
biri3 vt. traire; milk. Muso bɛ misi biri. La femme traît la vache. The woman is milking the cow.
birifini n. couverture; blanket, bed cover.
birike n. briquet; (cigarette) lighter. From: français
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biriki n. brique; brick. Syn: tufa. biriki gɔsi fabriquer des briques. make bricks. Category: House Building. From: français
biro n. bureau; office. See: baarakɛyɔrɔ. From: français
bisaba num. trente (30); thirty (30). Category: Numbers.
bisegin num. quatre-vingt, huitante (80); eighty (80). Category: Numbers.
bisigi vt. supposer, imaginer; suppose, imagine.
bisigi n. image; image. Ala ye Hadama da a yɛrɛ bisigi la. Dieu a créé Adam à son image. God made Adam in his own image.
bisiki n. biscuit; biscuit. From: français
bisimila [bìsìmila] n. bienvenue; welcome. I bisimila ! Saha ! Bienvenue ! Merci ! Welcome! Thanks!
vt. accueillir; to welcome.
biwolonfila num. soixante-dix, septante (70); seventy (70). Category: Numbers.
biwɔɔrɔ num. soixante (60); sixty (60). Category: Numbers.
biye n. billet; ticket. tɛrɛn biye billet de train. train ticket. biye ta acheter un billet. buy a ticket.
biyetayɔrɔ n. guichet; ticket office. Morph: biye‑ta‑yɔrɔ.
biyetigɛla n. celui qui vend des billets, ex. à la gare; person who issues tickets, e.g. at the bus station. Morph: biye‑ta‑yɔrɔ.
biyetigɛyɔrɔ n. guichet; ticket office. Morph: biye‑tigɛ‑yɔrɔ.
biyɛri n. bière; beer. Category: Drinks. From: français
bǒ n. excrément, caca, crotte; excrement. bo kɛ déféquer. 'go to toilet'. bo ci péter. fart.
bobara n. fesses; backside. Category: Human Body.
bobo n. muet, muette; mute, speech-impaired person.
Bobojulaso n.pro. Bobodiolasso; Bobodiolasso. Morph: Bobo‑jula‑so. Category: Towns.
boboya n. mutisme; inability to speak. Morph: bobo‑ya. Category: Illnesses.
boli1 [bólí] n. fétiche, idole; fetish, idol. Syn: jǒ, basi. Category: Traditional Religion. Verbs sɔn ‘offrir à’ ‘to offer to’.
boli2 [bòlí] vi. courir; run. I kana boli ! Ne cours pas ! Don't run! U bolila lakɔli la. Ils ont couru à l'école. They ran at school. U bolila ka taa lakɔli la. Ils sont allés à l'école en courant. They ran to school. An bolila ka taa a fo. Nous avons couru pour aller le saluer. We ran to greet him. A bolila ka boli ka boli. Il a couru couru couru. He ran and ran and ran.
vt. conduire, rouler; drive, ride. I bɛ se ka moto boli wa ? Est-ce que tu sais conduire un moto ? Can you ride a motobike?
n. course; running. Category: Sports.
bolibatobaa n. idolâtre; idolator, idol worshipper. Morph: boli‑bato‑baa.
boli-boli vi. courir ça et là; run here and there. Morph: boli‑boli.
bolifɛn n. véhicule, moyen de transport; vehicle, means of transport. Morph: boli‑fɛn. See: boli2 ‘conduire’ ‘drive’; fɛn ‘chose’ ‘thing’. Category: Transport. Nɛgɛso ye bolifɛn sen fila ye. Un vélo est un moyen de transport à deux roues. A bicycle is a two-wheeled means of transport.
bolikɛla n. coureur; runner. Morph: bòli‑kɛ‑la. Category: Sports.
bolisɔnna n. fétichiste; celui qui adore des fétiches; person who worships fétishes. Morph: boli‑sɔn‑na. Syn: josɔnna, basisɔnna. Category: Traditional Religion.
bolitigi n. féticheur; vieux qui est désigné le responsable d'un fétiche, et qui fait les incantations, etc; elder responsable for a fetish, making incantations, etc. Morph: boli‑tigi. Syn: jotigi. Category: Traditional Religion.
bolo n. 1 • main, bras; hand, arm. Gafe bɛ ne bolo. J'ai un livre (lit. un livre est dans ma main). I have a book (lit. a book is in my hand). A furulen don, den duuru b'a bolo. Elle est marié et elle a cinq enfants. She is married with five children. Ne bolo, ... Selon moi, à mon avis, pour moi ... (lorsqu'on donne son opinion). For me, ... (when giving an opinion). X don bolo la livrer X (par ex. prisonnier). hand X over (e.g. prisoner). See: tɛgɛ ‘main, paume’ ‘hand, palm’; bɛ ... bolo ‘avoir’ ‘have’. Category: Human Body.
2 • branche; branch.
boloci n. vaccination; vaccination. Syn: tuguci.
vt. vacciner; vaccinate. Morph: bolo‑ci. Category: Healthcare.
bolocisɛbɛn n. carnet de vaccination; vaccination card. Morph: boloci‑sɛbɛn. Category: Healthcare.
bolofɛn n. possessions, biens; possessions. Morph: bolo‑fɛn.
bolokala n. bras; arm. Morph: bolo‑kàla. Category: Human Body.
bolokan n. avant-bras, y compris le poignet; forearm, including wrist. Category: Human Body.
boloko vt. circoncire, exciser; circumcise.
bolokobali n. incirconcis, non-excisée; uncircumcised person.
adj. incirconcis, non-excisée; uncircumcised. Morph: boloko‑bali.
bolokoli n. circumcision, excision; circumcision. Morph: boloko‑li. musomannin ka bolokoli excision. female circumcision.
bolokolon adj. pauvre; poor. Morph: bolo‑kolon. See: kolon ‘vide’ ‘empty’.
bolokolonya n. pauvreté; poverty. Morph: bolokolon‑ya.
bolokɔfɛfɛn n. quelque chose qui est négligé; something neglected.
bolokɔni n. doigt; finger. Category: Human Body. Bolokɔni kelen tɛ se ka bɛlɛ ta. Un doigt ne peut pas prendre un caillou (C'est important d'aider les uns les autres). One finger cannot lift a pebble (It's important to help each other).
bolokɔni kunba pouce; thumb.
bolokɔni jan majeur; middle finger.
bolokurukɛla n. boxeur; boxer. Category: Sports.
bolokurun n. poing; fist. Category: Human Body.
bolokurunkɛlɛ n. boxe; boxing. Morph: bolokurun‑kɛlɛ. Category: Sports.
bololabaara n. travail d'artisan; artisan work.
bololabalɔn n. hand-ball; handball. Morph: bolo‑la‑balɔn. Category: Sports. Syn: bololantola.
bololafili n. touche; throw-in. Category: Football.
bololanɛgɛ n. bracelet; bracelet. Morph: bolo‑la‑nɛgɛ. sanu bololanɛgɛ bracelet en or. gold bracelet.
bololantola n. hand-ball; handball. Morph: bolo‑la‑ntola. Category: Sports. Syn: bololabalɔn.
bololasɛbɛnni n. écriture cursive; handwriting. Morph: bolo‑la‑sɛbɛnni.
bolomafara n. contribution; contribution.
bolonɔ n. 1 • signature; signature.
2 • empreinte digitale; fingerprint. Morph: bolo‑nɔ.
bon1 [bòn] adj.pred. grand; big. Ala ka bon. Dieu est grand. God is great. Opposite dɔgɔ1.
bon2 n. case, maison; hut, house.
bon3 vt. viser; aim at. X bon ni kabakuru ye lancer des pierres à X. to throw stones at X. X bon ni marifa ye tirer sur X. to shoot at X. See: fɛn bonta ‘objectif’ ‘objective’.
bonboli n. bâton pour battre la boue sur le sol ou sur le toit; angled piece of wood with flat surface, used for beating mud on roof or floor to make flat and solid.
bonbon n. menton; chin. Category: Human Body.
bonbonsi n. barbe; beard. Morph: bonbon‑si. Syn: boonsi. Category: Human Body. bonbonsi di se raser. shave. Bonbonsi caman bɛ a kun. Il porte une barbe. He has a beard.
bonya1 [bònya] vi. grossir, augmenter, enlargir; enlarge, increase. Morph: bòn‑ya.
bonya2 [bònya] n. respect; respect.
vt. honorer, respecter, accueillir, offrir des cadeaux à; honour, respect, welcome, give gifts to. A bɛ mɔgɔ bonya. Il respecte les gens. Il est poli. He respects people. He is polite. Bonya t'a la. Il n'y a pas de respect. There is no respect. I k'i fa n'i ba bonya. Honore ton père et ta mère. Honour your father and your mother. [Bible: Ekisode 20.12] An bɛ i tɔgɔ bonya. Nous glorifions ton nom. (prière). We glorify your name. (prayer).
bonyabaliya n. manque de respect; lack of respect. Morph: bonya‑bali‑ya.
bonyalan n. loupe; magnifying glass. Morph: bonya‑lan.
bonyalanba n. téléscope; telescope. Morph: bonyalan‑ba. Category: Technology.
boonsi n. barbe; beard. Category: Human Body. Syn: bonbonsi.
bosi vt. enlever; remove. Ne na i bolofɛn bɛɛ bosi i la. Je prendrai toutes tes biens. I will take all your possessions from you.
bozo n. bozo (ethnie); Bozo (ethnic group). Category: Ethnic Groups.
bɔ vi. sortir, venir de; go out, come from. I bɛ bɔ min ? / I bɔra min ? / Ka bɔ min ? Tu viens d'où ? Where do you come from? N bɛ bɔ Segu. Je viens de Ségou. I come from Ségou. A bɔra. Il est sorti. He has gone out. Ne ye mobili boli ka bɔ Moti fo Gawo. J'ai conduit la voiture à partir de Mopti jusqu'à Gao. I drove from Mopti to Gao. Ka bɔ Bamakɔ ka taa Bɛlɛdugu, o ye kilomɛtɛrɛ kɛmɛ ni bisegin hakɛ ye. Beledougou est à environ 180km de Bamako. From Bamako to Beledougou is about 180km. Kunun kalansen bɔra n kɔnɔ. J'ai oublié la leçon d'hier (lit. elle est sortie de moi). I forget yesterday's lesson (lit. it went out of me).
vt. 1 • faire sortir; bring out. Dumuni bɔ ! Faites sortir le repas ! Bring out the food! Muso ye ji bɔ kɔlɔn na. La femme a sorti de l'eau du puits. The woman drew water from the well. Kunun, ne ye wari caman bɔ. Hier, j'ai dépensé beaucoup d'argent. Yesterday, I spent a lot of money. U ye dɔnkili kasɛti bɔ. Ils ont fait sortir une cassette de chants. They published a cassette of songs.
2 • enlever, soustraire; remove, take off, take away, subtract. A ye dulɔki bɔ. Il a enlevé sa chemise. He took off his shirt. Bɛɛ bɛ i ka sabara bɔ misirida la. Tous se déchaussent à l'entrée de la mosquée. Everyone takes off their shoes at the entrance to the mosque. ['Parlons Bambara', Ismaël Maiga, p.228] 2 bɔlen 5 la, o ye 3 ye. 5 moins 2 font 3. 5 minus 2 equals 3.
3 • suffire à, égaler; suffice, equal. A ka jan ka Ali bɔ. Il est aussi grand qu'Ali. He is as tall as Ali. Kɔgɔ ye na bɔ. Il y a assez de sel dans la sauce. There is enough salt in the sauce. I barika bɛ ne ta bɔ. Ta force égale la mienne. Your strength equals mine. O b'a bɔ. Ça suffit. That's enough. Kɛmɛ naani bɛ ne bɔ. 2000F CFA me suffit. 2000F CFA is enough for me.
4 • jouer à; play at. marasi bɔ jouer aux cartes. play cards.
bɔbɔ n. bobo (ethnie); Bobo (ethnic group). Category: Ethnic Groups.
bɔda n. sortie; exit. Morph: bɔ‑da. See: donda ‘entrée’ ‘entrance’.
bɔ ... fɛ expr. ressembler; resemble, look like. Den bɛ bɔ a ba fɛ. L'enfant ressemble à sa mère. The child looks like her mother. U bɔlen bɛ ɲɔgɔn fɛ. Ils se ressemblent. They look like each other.
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bɔgɔ [bɔ̀gɔ] n. terre, boue, argile, banco; soil, mud, clay. Verbs nɔɔni ‘mélanger’ ‘to mix’. Category: House Building.
bɔgɔlama adj. en terre; clay.
bɔgɔlan n. bogolan; bogolan. Morph: bɔgɔ‑lan.
bɔgɔma adj. boueux; muddy. Morph: bɔgɔ‑ma.
bɔli n. tasse; cup. Category: Household Items.
bɔlɔ [bɔ̀lɔ] n. piquet; stake.
bɔlɔn n. rue; road, street.
bɔn1 vt. verser, renverser; pour out, spill.
bɔn2 n. aigle; eagle. Category: Birds - wild.
bɔnbɔn n. bonbon; sweet, candy. From: français
bɔnɛ vi. perdre; lose. A bɛ mun ɲɛ mɔgɔ ye ka diɲɛ bɛɛ sɔrɔ ni a bɛ bɔnɛ a yɛrɛ ni la. Que sert-il à quelqu'un de gagner le monde entier, s’il perd son âme? What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses their own soul. [Bible: Marka 8.36]
bɔnɛ n. malheur; misfortune.
bɔnsɔn n. descendant; descendant. Israɛl bɔnsɔn israélites. Israelites, children of Israel.
bɔɲɔgɔnko n. semblable; similar.
bɔrɛ [bɔ̀rɛ] n. sac; sack. See main entry: bɔrɔ. See: malobɔrɛ ‘sac de riz’ ‘sack of rice’.
bɔrɔ [bɔ̀rɔ] Variant: bɔrɛ. n. sac; sack. A bɛ malokala don bɔrɔ kɔnɔ. Il met les tiges de riz dans le sac. He is putting the rice stalks into the sack.
bɔrɔn vt. tresser; plait.
bɔrɔsi n. brosse; brush. See: sabarajɔsibɔrɔsi; dakobɔrɔsi; finikobɔrɔsi.
bɔsi vt. enlever, saisir; take away, seize. U ye a bolofɛnw bɛɛ bɔsi a la. Ils ont pris toutes ses biens. They took away all his possessions.
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Bɔtisiwana n.pro. Botswana; Botswana. Category: Countries.
bɔyɔrɔ n. 1 • lieu de provenance; place you have come from.
2 • sortie; exit. Morph: bɔ‑yɔrɔ.
bu n. son (de céréale); chaff.
bu n. 1 • chair sans os; flesh without bones. See: sogobu.
2 • muscle; muscle. Category: Human Body.
bubaga n. termite; termite. Category: Insects.
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bubagaso n. termitière; termite mound. Morph: bubaga‑so.
bubunin n. singe; monkey. Category: Animals - wild.
bugɔ [bùgɔ] vt. frapper, battre; beat, hit. I ye den bugɔ wa ? Est-ce que tu as frappé l'enfant ? Did you hit the child? Syn: gosi.
bugu n. hameau; hamlet.
buguda n. hameau; petit groupe isolé de maisons rurales; hamlet; small group of isolated houses in a rural area. Category: Geography - General. Syn: bugufyɛ. See: togoda.
bugufyɛ n. hameau; petit groupe isolé de maisons rurales; hamlet; small group of isolated houses in a rural area. Category: Geography - General. Syn: buguda. See: togoda.
bugun vt. augmenter, se multiplier; grow, multiply.
bugunnatigɛsɛbɛn n. carte d'identité; identity card. Syn: karadante.
buguri n. poussière (par terre); dust (on the ground). See: gɔngɔn. Ala ye Hadama dilan dugukolo buguri la. Dieu a créé Adam de la poussière de la terre. God made Adam from the dust of the earth.
bugurinjɛ n. cendre; ash.
adj. gris; grey. Category: Colours.
bulaman adj. bleu; blue. Dulɔki bulaman bɛ Seyidu kan na. Seyidu porte une chemise bleue. Seyidu is wearing a blue shirt. Category: Colours.
bulon n. case; hut.
bulu n. feuille; leaf. Syn: fura.
bulu n. balle, petite comme on l'utilise pour jouer au baby-foot; ball, small sized like those used with table football.
buluku vt. labourer, retourner le sol; plough, turn over the soil. Foro bulukulen, u ye danni kɛ. Quand ils avaient labouré le champs, ils ont semé. When the field was ploughed, they sowed. Category: Agriculture - Verbs.
bumu n. kapokier; Kapok tree. bombax costatum.
bunte vt. piler pour réduire en farine; pound into flour. Category: Cooking - Verbs.
buntèni n. scorpion; scorpion. Syn: nkɔsɔn.
bununda n. source de fleuve ou de rivière; source of river. Category: Geography - General.
buran n. membre de belle-famille; in-law. Category: Family.
burɛti n. brouette; wheelbarrow. From: français
buru n. trompette; trumpet. Category: Music.
buru n. pain; bread. See main entry: nbuuru.
buruburu n. débris; fragments, bits. suman buruburu débris d'aliments. bits of food. si buruburu débris de cheveux (ex. par terre après s'être fait coiffé). bits of hair (e.g. on floor after having a haircut). safinɛ buruburu débris de savon. fragments of soap.
burudamɛ n. Tamasheq (ethnie); Tamasheq (ethnic group). Category: Ethnic Groups. Syn: taamasɛki.
buruju n. généalogie; genealogy, lineage. Jeli bɛ mɔgɔw buruju gosi. Le griot raconte la généalogie des gens. The griot recounts people's genealogy.
burukan n. son de la trompette; trumpet call. Morph: buru‑kan.
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Burukina Faso n.pro. Burkina Faso; Burkina Faso. Category: Countries. See: faso ‘état, patrie’ ‘state, homeland’.
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Burundi n.pro. Burundi; Burundi. Category: Countries.
burusi n. brousse; bush, countryside. Syn: kungo, wula. From: français burusi kɔnɔ en brousse. in the 'bush'.
buruwɛti n. brouette; wheelbarrow. From: français Category: Agriculture - Tools.
busi n. bougie; candle. From: français
buteli n. bouteille; bottle. Syn: dunden. From: français
butigi n. boutique; boutique, small shop. From: français
Buwa n. Papa; Dad. Syn: Baba.
buwasɔn n. boisson; drink. From: français See: minnifɛn.
buwati n. boîte; box, tin, can. From: français
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buyaki [bùyàki] n. goyave; guava. Category: Fruits. Psidium guajava.