A - a
a [à] pro. il, elle, son, sa, ses; troisième personne du singulier; he, she, it, his, her; third person singular pronoun. See: ale.
a' pro. vous, votre, vos; deuxième personne du pluriel; you, your; second person plural pronoun. See: aw.
abada adv. jamais; never. Abada ! Jamais ! Never!
Abijan n.pro. Abidjan; Abidjan. Category: Towns.
Abuza n.pro. Abuja; Abuja, capital of Nigeria. Category: Towns.
Afiriki n. Afrique; Africa.
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AfirikidiSidi n.pro. Afrique du Sud; South Africa. Category: Countries.
Ala n. Dieu; God. From: arabe Ala ka kuma parole de Dieu. word of God. A bɛ Ala bolo. C'est dans la main de Dieu. It's in God's hands.
Alabatoso n. 1 • synagogue; synagogue.
2 • église; church. Morph: Ala‑bato‑so.
Alabatosoba n. Temple; Temple. Morph: Ala‑bato‑so‑ba.
alabatoyɔrɔ n. lieu de culte; mosquée, église; place of worship; mosque, church. Morph: ala‑bato‑yɔrɔ.
aladɔnbali n. athée; atheist. Morph: ala‑dɔn‑bali.
alamani n. amende, contravention, procès-verbal, PV; fine.
alamisa n. jeudi; Thursday. Category: Days of the Week.
ale pro. il, elle, son, sa, ses; troisième personne du singulier (emphatique); he, she, it, his, her; third person singular pronoun (emphatic). See: à.
aleluya excl. alléluia; hallelujah.
alijɛnɛ [àlìjɛnɛ] n. paradis; paradise. Category: Islam.
alikaaba n. La kaaba; The Ka'aba. Category: Islam.
alikama n. blé; wheat. Category: Crops. Verbs kan4 ‘faucher’ ‘to cut’.
alikuranɛ n. Coran; Qur'an. Category: Islam. Syn: kuranɛ.
alimami n. imam, celui qui dirige la prière à la mosquée; imam, the man who leads prayer in the mosque. Category: Islam. Alimami bɛ mɔgɔw laseli misiri kɔnɔ. L'imam fait prier les gens dans la mosquée. The imam leads the people in their prayers in the mosque.
Alimankɛlɛ fɔlɔ n. première guerre mondiale; first world war. Alimankɛlɛ fɔlɔ daminɛna san 1914, a banna san 1918. La première guerre mondiale commença en 1914 et termina en 1918. The first world war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. [Kibaru: Nowanburukalo 2003, p.7]
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Alimaɲi n.pro. Allemagne; Germany. Category: Countries.
alimɛti n. allumette; match. Category: Household Items. From: français
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Alizeri n.pro. Algérie; Algeria. Category: Countries.
Ameriki n.pro. Amérique, Etats-Unis; America. Category: Countries.
amiina excl. amen; amen.
an pro. nous, notre, nos; première personne du pluriel; we, us, our; first person plural pronoun. See: anw.
angɛrɛ n. engrais; fertiliser. From: français Syn: nɔgɔ2.
angilɛkan n. anglais, la langue anglaise; English. Morph: angilɛ‑kan. Category: Languages. Angilɛkan bɛ fɔ jamana caman na, i n'a fɔ Gana, Kenya ani AfirikidiSidi. On parle l'anglais dans beaucoup de pays, comme le Ghana, le Kenya et l'Afrique du Sud. English is spoken in a lot of countries such as Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.
Angilɛtɛri n.pro. Angleterre; England. Category: Countries.
ani conj. et; and. See: ni.
anpulu n. ampoule; bulb. From: français Verbs mɛnɛ ‘allumer’ ‘to turn on, to switch on’; faga ‘éteindre’ ‘to turn off, to switch off’.
anw pro. nous, notre, nos; première personne du pluriel (emphatique); we, us, our; first person plural pronoun (emphatic). See: an.
anwulopu n. enveloppe; envelope. From: français
apolo n. conjonctivite, infection des yeux; conjunctivitis, eye infection. Category: Illnesses. See: ɲɛdimi.
araba n. mercredi; Wednesday. Category: Days of the Week.
Arabula n. monde arabe; Arab World. Morph: arabu‑la.
arajo n. radio; radio. Category: Household Items. Verbs lamɛn ‘écouter’ ‘to listen to’; faga ‘éteindre’ ‘to turn off’; dilan ‘réparer’ ‘to repair’.
arajomaɲeto n. magnétophone; radio-cassette recorder, stereo. Morph: arajo‑maɲeto. Category: Technology.
arajoso n. station de radio; radio station. Morph: arajo‑so. Surɔ, ne ye Faransi arajoso lamɛn. Hier soir, j'ai écouté Radio France Internationale. Last night, I listened to the French radio station (RFI).
arosuwari n. arrosoir; watering can. Category: Agriculture - Tools.
arɔndisiman n. arrondissement; administrative district in a large town. Category: Government. From: français
asiyɛti n. assiette; plate. Category: Household Items. From: français
atayi n. thé; tea. Syn: te, dute. Category: Drinks.
aw pro. vous, votre, vos; deuxième personne du pluriel; you, your; second person plural pronoun. See: a'.
awirili n. avril; April. Category: Months.
awirilikalo n. avril; April. Category: Months. Morph: awirili‑kalo.
awiyɔn n. avion; aeroplane. Syn: pankurun. Category: Transport. From: français
awiyɔnso n. aéroport; airport. Morph: awiyɔn‑so. Category: Transport. Syn: pankuruntayɔrɔ.
awiyɔntalan n. porte-avions; aircraft carrier. Morph: awiyɔn‑ta‑lan. Category: Transport.
awoka n. avocat (justice); advocate. From: français
ayi intj. non; no. Ayi, fɔlɔ. Non, pas encore. No, not yet. See: ɔwɔ ‘oui’ ‘yes’.
ayiwa intj. d'accord, alors, bon; ok.
Azi n.pro. Asie; Asia.