G - g
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ga [gwa] n. hangar, véranda, pour donner de l'ombre et pour protéger contre le vent; veranda, for shade and protection from wind.
gǎ [gwa] n. foyer, cuisine; home, kitchen, hearth.
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gaari n. fil; string, thread.
gabakurun n. pierre, roche; stone, rock. Syn: fara.
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Gabɔn n.pro. Gabon; Gabon. Category: Countries.
gabugu n. cuisine; kitchen.
gafe n. livre, brochure; book, booklet, magazine. Syn: liburu. Category: Education.
gafedilanyɔrɔ n. imprimerie; printers. Morph: gafe‑dilan‑yɔrɔ.
gafefeereyɔrɔ n. librairie; bookshop, bookstore. Morph: gafe‑feere‑yɔrɔ.
gafefura n. page; page. Morph: gafe‑fura.
gafekalan n. lecture; reading. Morph: gafe‑kàlan.
gafekalanyɔrɔ n. bibliothèque; library. Morph: gafe‑kàlan‑yɔrɔ.
gafenin n. livret; booklet. Category: Education.
gakulu [gàkulu] n. pierre pour soutenir la marmite (groupe de trois); cooking stone (arranged in group of three).
gala n. teinture, indigo; dye.
galadonna n. teinturière; dyer, person who dyes cloth. Morph: gala‑don‑na.
galaji n. teinture à l'indigo; indigo dye. Morph: gala‑ji.
galakakolo n. côte (os); rib. Category: Human Body.
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galama n. louche, la moitié d'une gourde; ladel, made from half a gourd. Category: Household Items.
galasi n. glace; ice. Syn: jikuru. From: français
galasikuru n. neige; snow. Morph: galasi‑kuru.
galodugu n. grande ville; large town. Category: Geography - General.
galoduguba n. grande ville; large town. Category: Geography - General.
gan adj. chaud; hot.
vt. chauffer; heat.
gan n. gombo; okra, gumbo. Hibiscus esculentus. Category: Crops, Sauce Ingredients. On l'utilise dans la préparation d'une sauce pour le « to ». Used for preparing sauce for "to". gan jalan gombo seché (vendu au marché). dried okra (sold in the market). Verbs dan ‘semer’ ‘sow’; kari ‘cueillir’ ‘pick’; tigɛ ‘couper’ ‘cut up’; ja ‘sécher’ ‘dry’.
gana vt. 1 • raser; shave. Ne b'a fɛ ka kunkolo gana. Je veux me faire raser la tête. I want to shave my head. A kun gananen don. Sa tête est rasée. His head is shaved. See: di.
2 • tailler; prune, trim.
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Gana n.pro. Ghana; Ghana. Category: Countries.
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Ganbi n.pro. Gambie; Gambia. Category: Countries.
ganforo n. champ de gombo; gombo field. Morph: kàba‑foro.
ganna n. sauce de gombo; okra/gumbo sauce. Morph: gan‑na. Category: Meals.
gansan [gwansan] adj. ordinaire, simple; ordinary, simple, plain. don gansan jour ordinaire. ordinary day.
adv. gratuitement; freely.
gansi vt. publier, faire savoir; publish, make known.
gansili n. publicité; publicity, advertising. Morph: gansi‑li.
gansilisɛbɛn n. publicité; publicity, advertissement. Morph: gansili‑sɛbɛn.
gara n. gare; bus station. From: français
garamu n. gramme; gram, gramme. Category: Measurements. Kilo 1 ye garamu 1000 ye. 1 kg est 1000 g. 1 kg is 1000 g.
garankɛ n. cordonnier; cobbler, shoemaker, leather worker.
garasi n. garage; garage. From: français
garibu [gàrìbu] n. 1 • mendiant; beggar.
2 • élève-marabout; boy in the care of a marabout. Garibuw bɛ yaala ka dumuni ɲini, barisa morikɛ ka dumuni t'u bɛɛ bɔ. Les élèves-marabouts se promènent pour chercher de nourriture parce que le maribout n'en a pas assez pour tous. Marabout boys wander around looking for food because the marabout does not have enough food for all of them. Jumadon, garibu ka ca misiri da la. Le vendredi, il y a beaucoup d'élèves-marabouts à l'entrée de la mosquée. On Fridays, there are lots of marabout boys at the entrance to the mosque. Category: Islam.
garibuya n. action de mendier; begging. Morph: garibu‑ya.
gasi n. tort, offense; wrong, offence.
gato n. gâteau; cake. From: français
Gawo n.pro. Gao; Gao. Category: Towns, Regions.
gazi n. gaz; gas.
gazɔli n. gasoil; diesel. From: français
geji n. mer; sea. Syn: kɔgɔji. Category: Geography - General.
gengen vt. clouer; nail to. gengen jiri la crucifier. crucify.
gengenjiri n. croix; cross. Morph: gengen‑jiri.
gere n. terre ferme; dry land.
geren [gèren] n. fruit vert; green/unripe fruit. mangoro geren mango vert. unripe mango.
gese n. fil; thread. gese da tisser le fil. weave thread.
gesedala n. tisserand; weaver. Morph: gese‑da‑la.
gɛlɛn adj.pred. 1 • dur; hard, firm.
2 • difficile; difficult. Angilɛkan ka gɛlɛn n ma. L'anglais est difficile pour moi. English is difficult for me. Opposite nɔgɔn ‘facile’ ‘easy’ ‘einfach’.
3 • cher; expensive. A da ka gɛlɛn. C'est cher. It's expensive.
gɛlɛnman n adj. dur, difficile; hard, difficult. Fɛn gɛlɛnman don. C'est quelque chose de difficile. It's a hard thing.
gɛlɛya1 n. difficulté; difficulty. gɛlɛya la / ni gɛlɛya ye difficilement, avec difficulté. with difficulty. ni gɛlɛya tɛ sans difficulté. without difficulty. Gɛlɛya ye ne minɛ. Je suis dans la difficulté. I have come into difficulties. See: nɔgɔya1 ‘facilité’ ‘ease’.
gɛlɛya2 vt. durcir; harden. Siman ma gɛlɛya fɔlɔ. Le ciment n'a pas encore durci. The cement has not hardened yet.
gɛn vt. 1 • chaser, poursuivre; chase. X gɛn ka bɔ Y la chaser X de Y. chase/drive out X from Y.
2 • faire paître, garder le troupeau; herd. Misigɛnna bɛ misi gɛn. Le vacher fait paître les vaches. The cowherd is herding the cows.
gɛnna n. berger; shepherd. Morph: gɛn‑na.
gɛɲɛ n. fouet; whip. bugɔ ni gɛɲɛ ye fouetter, frapper à coups de fouet. to flog, whip.
gɛrɛ vi. s'approcher; approach. Aw ka gɛrɛ tasuma la ! Approchez-vous du feu ! Come closer to the fire!
gɛrɛgɛrɛ adj. pur; pure. di gɛrɛgɛrɛ miel pur. pure honey. bamanankan gɛrɛgɛrɛ bambara pur. pure Bambara. Syn: yɛrɛyɛrɛ.
gɛrɛn n. club; club.
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Gɛrɛsi n.pro. Grèce; Greece. Category: Countries.
gɛsɛ n. brosse à dents traditionnelle; traditional toothbrush, made from a twig. Gɛsɛ ye bamana ka bɔrɔsi ye. Un 'gèsè' est la brosse à dents des Bambara. A 'gèsè' is a Bambara toothbrush. Verbs ɲimi ‘mâcher’ ‘chew’ ‘kauen’.
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Gine n.pro. Guinée; Guinea. Category: Countries.
Gine Bisawo n.pro. Guinée-Bissau; Guinea Bissau. Category: Countries.
gintanba n. grande fête, cérémonie; celebration, festival. Bolokoli ye gintanba ye dugu kɔnɔ. La circoncision est une grande fête dans le village. Circumcision is a big ceremony in the village.
girin1 adj.pred. lourd; heavy. Doni ka girin ne ma. La charge est trop lourde pour moi. The load is too heavy for me.
girin2 vi. se dépêcher, se précipiter; rush. A girinna ka taa a fɔ mɔgɔw ye ko a kɔrɔkɛ sara. Il s'est dépêché de dire aux gens que son frère était mort. He rushed to tell people that his brother had died.
girinman adj. lourd; heavy. dulɔki girinman vêtement lourd. heavy or thick piece of clothing.
girinya n. 1 • poids; weight.
2 • solidité; solidity.
gitari n. guitare; guitar. Category: Music. From: français gitari fɔ jouer de la guitare. to play the guitar.
go adj.pred. désagréable, mauvais, difficile; disagreable, difficult, bad. A hakili ka go. Il est stupide. Il n'est pas intelligent. He is stupid. He is not intelligent.
gofɛrɛnaman n. gouvernement; government. Category: Government. From: français
gogoro n. cadenas; padlock.
gojogojo vi. être en très bonne forme; be in very good form. I bɛ gojogojo wa ? Tu es en bonne forme ? Are you in good form?
goli n. goal (football); goal (football). From: français Syn: celi. Category: Football.
goni adj.pred. chaud; hot. Ji ka goni. L'eau est chaude. The water is hot. See: kalan3.
goniman adj. chaud; hot. ji goniman l'eau chaude. hot water.
gonitalan n. thermomètre; thermometer. Morph: goni‑ta‑lan.
goniya [gònìya] n. chaleur; heat.
vt. chauffer; heat.
goniyahakɛ n. température; temperature. Morph: goniya‑hakɛ.
gosi vt. battre; beat, thresh. See main entry: gɔsi.
gɔlɔn vi. se tordre; bend, deform.
gɔngɔn n. poussière (dans l'air); dust (in the air). Gɔngɔn caman bɛ sira kan. Il y a beaucoup de poussière sur la route. There is a lot of dust on the road. See: buguri.
gɔngɔrɔ n. pierre; pebble, stone.
gɔrɔntɔ vi. 1 • ronfler; snore.
2 • rugir; roar.
3 • gronder; growl.
gɔsi [gɔ̀si] vt. battre; beat, thresh. ɲɔ gɔsi battre le mil. thresh the millet. biriki gɔsi fabriquer des briques. make bricks. nbuuru gɔsi faire du pain. make bread. Variant: gosi.
grɛkikan n. grec; la langue greque; Greek; the Greek language. grɛkikan na en grec. in Greek. Layidu Kura sɛbɛnna grɛkikan na. Le Nouveau Testament a été écrit en grec. The New Testament was written in Greek. Category: Languages.
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gudɔrɔn n. goudron; tarmac road. A ka butiki bɛ gudɔrɔn da la. Sa boutique est sur le goudron. His shop is on the paved road. gudɔrɔn tigɛ traverser le goudron. cross the road. From: français
gun n. île; island. Category: Geography - General.
gundo n. secret, mystère; secret, mystery. gundo mara garder/tenir secret. keep a secret. gundo la en secret. in secret. Gundo don. C'est un secret. It's a secret.
gungurun n. souche; stump.